The Imballaggi Alimentari operating in food packaging market and it has specialized in innovative and sustainable materials.
It provides a global response to the request for rapid, reliable and complete services in the food packaging sector.
The Imballaggi Alimentari operating in food packaging market and it has specialized in innovative and sustainable materials.
Imballaggi Alimentari provides a global response to the request for rapid, reliable and complete services in the food packaging sector. The market and demand knowledge, the know-how acquired in a lot of years of experience, the constant attention to the environment and last but not least technological innovations, and the very efficient and easy customer service allow us to meet the specific needs of customers and to give them specific and personalized replyes.
Our mission is design, innovate and sell packaging in all over the world, thanks to our experience and knowledge of market-demand, in order to satisfy our customers needings.
Our vision is always project our company towards new project and innovative applications, looking to the futur e, working in eco-sustainable and ethical way, through the continuous production process research.

Papergel - paper ice cream thermobox
The new and innovative paper ice cream thermobox, a completely sustainable, recyclable and FSC certified product, from controlled forests. It is characterized by the solution “Ice control”, which allows a high thermal barrier thanks to its air chamber, and the edge “Easy Spread” the edge that allows easy spattering of ice cream. The product represents a further step in the choice of sustainable actions.
Papergel is the result of continuous technological research, working on highly productive modern lines with all the requirements and certifications to protect the consumer.
It’s a patented product and it can be recycled into paper collection, so its slogan is… “Use me and recycle me”.
Papergel is available in sizes 250 / 350 / 500 / 750 and 1000 gr, and it is also fully customizable.

Re-Maxigel - recycled ice cream thermobox
The first ice cream thermo box derived from post-consumer plastic waste, that in turn is totally recyclable.
Re-Maxigel is a totally sustainable product, it has been certified Remade in Italy®, for being able to combine the respect of the environment with the concept of Made in Italy.
Using Styropor® Ccycled™ (chemically recycled plastics) for ice cream thermo box not only reduces the carbon footprint by at least 50%, compared to conventional packaging, but also keeps our ice cold. Re-Maxigel is made with 63% recycled plastic. Styropor® CcycledTM, the raw material for our Re-Maxigel packaging, is based on chemically recycled post-consumer plastic waste.
Re-Maxigel is available in white and natural beige color, in sizes 350 / 500 / 750 and 1000 gr.

Ice cream cups
Paper cups ideal for ice cream, soft ice cream and yogurt.
Imballaggi Alimentari offers a wide range of sizes of cups and buckets with lids, for certified food and suitable for food contact. Eco friendly, recyclable and eco-friendly.
Fully customizable in all colors and logos chosen by the customer.

Drink cups
Imballaggi Alimentari offers complete solutions for take away. For drinks it offers cups, with lids and straws, all completely in paper to facilitate the consumer in the separate collection.
The lines of cups in various patterns, perfect for any occasion, for hot and cold drinks.
Packaging as an advertising tool for your brand. Imballaggi Alimentari allows the complete customization of cups and lids, even small quantities. By offering added value to your packaging, you will make it unique and appealing and have the chance to stay in the mind of your customers.

Square bowls and MT trays
Square bowls containers and MT trays, the line of trays made of kraft paper, are innovative and versatile. Ready to contain all food, from breakfast to snack until takeaway for dinner. Suitable for the take away of food containing liquids and oils, they are made of a single sheet of paper that allows it to be waterproof from both water and oils of any kind.
They take up little space for their great stackability.
Completely recyclable in paper collection.