Since 1922 producing sea salt in the coastal strip between the cities Trapani and Marsala.
The unique sea salt in Italy certified with Sea Salt of Trapani PGI (Protected Geografical Indication)
Our history began in 1922 when, thanks to a group of entrepreneurs from Trapani (Sicily), traditionally linked to the sea salt economy, SIES (Società Italiana Esportazione Sale) was founded. After 75 years of history, the company merged with Sosalt Spa with the intention only to market the sea salt produced.
The company, since its inception, aims to optimize the cultivation and harvesting of the sea salt, without interfering with the natural ecosystem. The production potential realized has allowed the company to present itself on national and European markets. Currently, the saltworks controlled by the group cover about 800 hectares, and ensure a production potential of about 100,000 tons.
The salt extraction technique adopted by Sosalt is based on the spontaneous evaporation of sea water. And it is possibile choose the kind of harvesting by:
Mechanized harvesting
SALT PRODUCTS: Hand-harvesting, Retail, Specialty, Sea Salt of Trapani PGI, HoReCa, Industry and Water Treatment